Fees & Payments
Parents will have the option to pay fees through the online registration system. The system accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. Information is also included for parents to choose an alternate form of payment (check, payment plan), or to apply for a fee waiver.
Registration Fees for 2024-25
Pre-K 1/2 day AM or PM: Free Tuition
Pre-K Full Day: $300/month
Kindergarten- Grade 5: $125.00
Grades 6-8: $130.00
Grades 9-12: $140.00
Additional fees may be charged in grades 6-12 for participation in certain co-curriculum activities and are itemize on the Student Fee List below. Fees are due at the time of registration. Checks should be made payable to Alden-Hebron District 19.
Free & Reduced Meals
Free & Reduced meal information and applications are available on the Food & Nutrition page.