A must see for parents and children. Tonight from 7-9 on ABC 7. A special presentation by Diane Sawyer called 'Screen Time'. https://abcnews.go.com/US/video/screentime-diane-sawyer-reporting-friday-night-87c-abc-62711800
almost 6 years ago, Jennifer Bieszczad
Families with children 5 and under please join our parent educators on May 22nd in the Elementary Gym at 5:30 p.m.for our "Picky Eater" group connection! All families are welcome including families not currently enrolled in the program!
almost 6 years ago, Katie Beck
Picky Eater
NEW LOCATION THIS MONTH! Please join us for our next birth to three playgroup on Wednesday, May 8th at 8:00 a.m. at the Alden-Hebron Elementary Playground!
almost 6 years ago, Katie Beck
Playgroup May 8th
Winners! Congratulations to the students for participating in curriculum night with their families and winning these prizes from computers, science, physical education, and music classes!  A great way to continue their learning at home!
almost 6 years ago, Alden-Hebron School District 19
CAMP winners
Wednesday Well-being from the Birth-3 Educators
almost 6 years ago, Jennifer Bieszczad
your words matter
Sports: HS Baseball has been cancelled today 5/2
almost 6 years ago, Alden-Hebron School District 19
Reminder: Elementary School Families:Curriculum Night is TONIGHT 5/2 @ 6pm at the Elementary School. Students are excited to show off their hard word from this year! Tomorrow 5/3: 11am Dismissal
almost 6 years ago, Alden-Hebron School District 19
Orientation layout correction; Lunch Menu for May.
almost 6 years ago, Alden-Hebron School District 19
may menu
The Kindergarten Class was able to witness 1 chick hatch yesterday!!!
almost 6 years ago, Alden-Hebron School District 19
chicks hatching
chicks hatching
chicks hatching
chicks hatching
Sports: HS Softball for today 5/1 is CANCELLED. HS Baseball still on as of now.
almost 6 years ago, Alden-Hebron School District 19
May Lunch Menu
almost 6 years ago, Alden-Hebron School District 19
may menu
Sports: MS Track and HS Baseball have been CANCELLED for today 4/30
almost 6 years ago, Alden-Hebron School District 19
A Monday Milestone from the Birth-3 Parent Educators.
almost 6 years ago, Jennifer Bieszczad
Sippy Cup
NEW LOCATION THIS MONTH! Please join us for our next birth to three playgroup on Wednesday, May 8th at 8:00 a.m. at the Alden-Hebron Elementary Playground!
almost 6 years ago, Katie Beck
Playgroup May 8th
Sports: HS Girls Softball game has been cancelled today. Rescheduled for May 6th
almost 6 years ago, Alden-Hebron School District 19
Mrs. Fallon and Ms. Pearson's Kindergarten classes participated in a Google Hangout with a high school class who shared their experience of hatching eggs. Their eggs are expected to hatch Tuesday, this week. They learned about the incubation process, breeds of chickens and caring for chickens. What a wonderful opportunity!
almost 6 years ago, Alden-Hebron School District 19
baby chicks1
baby chicks2
baby chicks 3
Reorganized Meeting Dates, Board approved meeting dates from Tuesdays to Wednesdays. Amended Board Of Education Wednesday Meeting Dates 2019
almost 6 years ago, Alden-Hebron School District 19
boe meeting dates
~Book Fair at the Elementary School April 29th - May 3rd. ~ See link below for more information!! https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bookfairs/cptoolkit/homepage.do?method=homepage&url=aldenhebronelementaryschool1
almost 6 years ago, Alden-Hebron School District 19
Sports: HS Baseball Game for tomorrow has been postponed to May 4th at 10am. MS Track has been cancelled for tomorrow.
almost 6 years ago, Alden-Hebron School District 19
The Middle School track meet for Saturday, April 27, 2019 has been cancelled.
almost 6 years ago, Alden-Hebron School District 19