Day three winner of Mr. Hayunga's reading challenge, the Steele family. Nobody is reading a book on the beach in Hebron today. A great place to read a book! Keep sending in your pictures.
almost 6 years ago, Tim Hayunga
Day two winner of Mr. Hayunga's spring break reading challenge. Joe Higgins. Keep reading and sending in pictures.
almost 6 years ago, Tim Hayunga
Day 1 winner of Mr. Hayunga's spring break reading challenge goes to Mr. George. It was a beautiful picture. Reading can happen anywhere! Keep those pictures coming.
almost 6 years ago, Tim Hayunga
To see Mr. Hayunga's spring break challenge, please click on the following link. I can't wait to see the pictures.
almost 6 years ago, Tim Hayunga
A GIANT thank you to all of our career day volunteers. Mr. Cunningham, Cade Fontana, Mary Noonan, Trevor Luckey, Mr. Walters and Dr. Dan. We appreciate you and the kids loved every minute!
almost 6 years ago, Alden-Hebron School District 19
AHES had career day today! Students were able to learn about careers in Civil Engineering, Physical Therapy, Agriculture, Food Service and Veterinary Technology
almost 6 years ago, Alden-Hebron School District 19
career day
career day
AHES had career day today! Students were able to learn about careers in Civil Engineering, Physical Therapy, Agriculture, Food Service and Veterinary Technology
almost 6 years ago, Monica Redden
career day
career day
career day
career day
Middle School students enjoying their root beer floats and tech day. No detentions and passing grades for 3rd quarter. Awesome Job!
almost 6 years ago, Tim Hayunga
Mrs. Kolnik preparing a root beer float.
6th grade
7th grade
almost 6 years ago, Alden-Hebron School District 19
Dr. Tufo came to Mrs. Norton’s reading group to share his knowledge of homing pigeons. Afterwards the students were able to watch the homing pigeons being released.
almost 6 years ago, Alden-Hebron School District 19
AHHS Life Skills class had the opportunity to visit the local Fire Dept. Thank you Anthony M. for the presentation. The students had a great time and learned wonderful skills a Firefighter uses everyday!
almost 6 years ago, Alden-Hebron School District 19
life skills visit
March is National Nutrition Month our MS/HS cafeteria offers these delicious and nutritious A'la Carte options ! Berry Yogurt Cups Assorted fresh veggies with your choice of hummus, red pepper hummus or ranch dip.
almost 6 years ago, Alden-Hebron School District 19
March nutrition
March nutrition
Shapes playgroup fun!
almost 6 years ago, Katie Beck
Shapes fun!
Shapes fun!
Shapes fun!
Shapes fun!
Fun at Playgroup today!
almost 6 years ago, Katie Beck
Shapes fun!
Shapes fun!
Shapes fun!
Shapes fun!
Birth to 3 families come join us for our next playgroup this Thursday, March 21st at St. John's Lutheran Church starting at 8:00 a.m. Hope to see you there!
almost 6 years ago, Katie Beck
Playgroup 3-21
Middle School Girls Basketball Pizza Party tonight at 7:00 please bring back uniforms and we will hand out information on travel basketball. Players and parents are welcome!!
almost 6 years ago, Coach Lalor
College Fair @ Huntley High School April 15th
almost 6 years ago, Alden-Hebron School District 19
~The Week Ahead~ March 19th: Board Meeting 7pm ES March 22nd: 1PM Dismissal March 25th-29th: Spring Break (No School)
almost 6 years ago, Alden-Hebron School District 19
this week
Friendly reminder that PTO Elegant Farmer order forms are DUE March 20th. Make checks payable to Alden-Hebron PTO.
almost 6 years ago, Alden-Hebron School District 19
pto pies
Toilet Learning Group Connection tonight at the elementary!
almost 6 years ago, Katie Beck
Birth to three group connection!
Birth to three group connection!
Birth to three group connection!
Birth to three group connection!